Sunday, November 9, 2008

Twice Baked Potatoes

This is one of my favorite potatoe recipes.

4-6 red potatoes
sour cream
1/4 c. butter
grated cheddar cheese

Bake potatoes in the microwave until they are soft. Cut in half lengthwise and hollow out with a spoon. Put the middles in a large bowl. (Do NOT discard shells.) When all the potatoes are hollowed out, add the following to them in the bowl. 1/4 c. butter, salt, milk, and sour cream. You will just have to eyeball the measurements and add to taste. Mash all together until well mixed. Spoon potatoe mixture back into the hollow shells. Cover with grated cheese and microwave (or bake in oven) until cheese is melted. Enjoy!
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1 comment:

Staff said...

Really... though am not suppose to say this but, I enjoy reading your blog post, cute!!